Mind Control
- How To Make A Woman Psychologically Addicted To You. Does your girlfriend or wife not love you as much as you love her? Here’s the reason: she’s not as passionate because she’s not emotionally dependent on you. This Shogun Method Short Guide will show you how to make her anchor her happiness on you so that she becomes psychologically addicted to you. Get this program free with Shogun Sequences Over Text Volume 2.
- Trust Hacking. Trust Hacking represents the easiest way to make a woman trust you quickly – no matter if she has just met you or known you for years. Trust Hacks may be overkill for everyone else, but for the Shogun Method man this knowledge is absolutely essential. This program is a free bonus as part of the Mobile Pluspack for Shogun Method Black Book Volume One. Access the Mobile Pluspack from the exclusive link inside the download area for Shogun Method Black Book Volume One.
- Shogun Posture: Subliminal Nonverbal Dominance. The Shogun Posture is our unique approach to utilizing body language to convey dominance and sexual allure to a woman’s subconscious. The right posture can significantly enhance the potency of your verbal Shogun Method techniques by 10X or more. Available as a bonus to the Shogun Sequences Handbook Volume One program.
- 100 Barnum Statements For Rapid Visceral Rapport. A pack of 100 full-powered Barnum Statements to induce that killer Barnum Effect inside your woman’s mind. Fully tested and ready to use. Available free as part of the Barnum Manuscript package.
- 12 Warning Signs Of A Female Psychopath. Are you dating a sociopath? Look out for these 12 tell-tale signs and find out with 100% certainty. Available as part of the Truth Extractor Mobile Pluspack. Buy it via the exclusive link inside the download area for Truth Extractor.
- The 3R Protocol. Learn how to use Mind Control techniques to unprogram your woman’s negativity so that she achieves happiness with you. Available as part of the Mobile Pluspack for the Texting On Steroids 2.0 program. Buy it via the exclusive link inside the download area for Texting On Steroids 2.0.
- How To Use Mind Control On Your Ex. Includes Post-Recovery Strategies – what to do when she comes back to you (seal the deal for good so that she doesn’t leave you again). Available free as part of Shogun Method.
- Jordan Hill’s Manipulation Black Book. Together, the combo of Derek Rake’s Shogun Method and Jordan Hill’s Manipulation Black Book represents the best Mind Control attraction resource available anywhere in the world today. Available as part of the Shogun Method Mobile Pluspack.
- Self Mind Control 101. Here’s a little-known fact about Shogun Method: it can be used beyond improving your skills with women. With some tweaks, you can use Shogun Method on yourself – and use Mind Control to hack your inner game. Available free as part of Shogun Method.
- Dark Triad Enslavement 101. Learn how to infuse Dark Triad techniques (Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy) into Shogun Method’s IRAE Model. Available free as part of ReSeduction 2.0.
- Social Power Handbook. Use these seven techniques (including Guilt Induction and Focus Judo) to take back the power in your relationship. Available free as part of the Mobile Pluspack for Shogun Method Black Book Volume 2. To get the Mobile Pluspack, find the link inside the download page for Shogun Method Black Book Volume 2.
- Chrono-Fractionation. A simpler variant of Fractionation with the same addiction-triggering effect without the emotional burden. Available now free as part of the Intrigue Black Book.
- Shogun’s Guide To Enslavement Anchoring. Foundational and advanced Anchoring techniques you can use across the IRAE Model – to move a woman closer to the final “E” stage! Includes Stacked Anchors and “Hybrid Anchors” inside a four-step process. Available as part of the Mobile Pluspack for the Barnum Manuscript. Buy it via the exclusive link inside the download area for Barnum Manuscript.
- Seven Magic Words. To open up a woman’s subconscious mind to Shogun Method, you’ll have to do one thing, and one thing only: to move her from Cold Mode to Hot Mode. Sprinkle these Seven Magic Words into your conversations with her, and you’ll put her on the fast track to Hot Mode. Available now free as part of Dark Rapport.
- Female Psychology 101. The key to putting a woman under your control is to know what she really wants: so that you can tap into her desires and make her believe that only YOU can give her what she wants. The Female Psychology 101 program digs deep into the psyche of a woman and unearths surprising truths about what she really wants in a man. Available free as part of Shogun Method.
- CovertTalk. The truth is that your girlfriend or wife will almost never say anything that you should take at face value. In fact, she won’t mean what she says most of the time! It takes a specialized set of skills to listen and interpret what your woman says to you. Learning how to understand what a woman REALLY means is extremely TRICKY to most men. CovertTalk will give you the skills to decode what a woman REALLY means when she says something. Available free as part of Shogun Method.
- The Pile Driver. Provides an IRAE Model-like foundational roadmap for Shogun Sequences. Available as a bonus to the Shogun Sequences Handbook Volume One program.
- Verbal Dominance. Shogun Method gives you the knowledge on how to think and act like a dominant man. On the other hand, Verbal Dominance gives you the ability to speak like a dominant man. With this program, you’ll identify ten show-stopping Verbal Weaknesses and kill them, one by one. Available as an exclusive bonus to the Shogun Sequences Handbook Volume Two program.
- Masculine Voice Hacks. A complement to the Verbal Dominance program, Masculine Voice Hacks is about verbal kungfu – it’s how Shoguns respond to challenges, arguments and insults from women – also known as Shit Tests. Available as an exclusive bonus to the Shogun Sequences Handbook Volume Two program.
- Emotional Addiction 2.0. The original manuscript which gave birth to the Enslavement, Not Seduction philosophy as developed by Emmett Attria. Contains the classic Emotional Bliss Sequence and a cluster of eight emotional addiction tactics (including one on Voice-activated Emotional Trigger). Available as an exclusive bonus to the Shogun Method MindBombs program.
- Shogun Method: Command & Control. Shogun Method: Command & Control dives deep into the construct of Hypnotic Commands – subconscious verbal instructions that make a woman feel and think anything you want her to… without her realizing it. Available as a bonus to the Shogun Sequences Handbook Volume One program.
- The Enslavement Protocol. Learn how to rewire your woman’s mind to make her fully conform to the ideal behavior that you want her to have. Available as part of the Mobile Pluspack for Texting On Steroids 2.0. Buy it via the exclusive link inside the download area for Texting on Steroids 2.0.
- The Enslavement Letters Volume One. Seven letters addressed to Derek Rake’s inner circle of Shoguns–containing knowledge that’s incendiary even by Shogun Method standards! Includes little-discussed Shogun Method techniques such as hypnotic sleep and the four principles of cult control. Available for free with Shogun Method Black Book Volume Four.
Problematic Relationships
- How To Get The Truth Out Of Your Lying Partner. Clue’s in the title (enough said). Available free as part of Shogun Method.
- Emotional Investment 101. The single biggest reason why most relationships fail: the lack of emotional investment. This report will show you how to make a woman invest in you emotionally so that leaving you becomes almost an impossibility. Available free as part of Shogun Method.
- Dread Game 101. Struggling with a woman who is falling out of love with you? Dread Game is the Golden Hammer you can yield to get your relationship or marriage back on track for you. Available free as part of the Barnum Manuscript package.
- ReSeduction: Aftershock. When you’re in a situation where breakup or divorce seems to be imminent, you need to act quickly. Deploy the ReSeduction: Aftershock strategy to buy you time and halt the breakup – while you tool up with the more comprehensive VCRD Model inside ReSeduction 2.0. Available as a free premium add-on to ReSeduction 2.0.
- Advanced Dread Game. The advanced version of Dread Game which utilizes the use of a subconscious device called Gut Mirroring. Available free as part of the Truth Extractor package.
- The C.L.E.A.N Protocol. Use this professional-grade, five-step methodology to get your woman to confess to infidelity. Available as a free premium add-on to ReSeduction 2.0.
- Cheat Detection Toolkit. An early detection system against deception and cheating in a relationship or marriage. Available free as part of the Truth Extractor package.
- Three Deadly Sins. According to billionaire Charlie Munger, “Avoiding stupidity is easier than seeking brilliance.” Most guys fail with women simply because they shoot themselves in the foot without knowing it. The Three Deadly Sins program will let you bulletproof your game – by avoiding the three biggest pitfalls that destroy attraction. Available free as part of Shogun Method.
Marriage Recovery
- Married Game 101. Turn your wife’s negativity into lifelong devotion and subservience! Available free as part of Shogun Method.
- Stoicism For Married Men. Many of our most successful SM³ clients credit Stoic principles and practices for fixing their failing marriages and turning them into successful romantic partnerships. Stoicism For Married Men will show you how you can apply the wisdom of the ancient Greeks to lead a happy, long-lasting marriage. Available as part of the Mobile Pluspack for Shogun Method For Married Men. Buy it via the exclusive link inside the download area for Shogun Method For Married Men.
- SM³ Ground Zero. SM³ Ground Zero is the fast-start guide you’ll need to kick your marriage recovery process into high gear. Available as part of the Mobile Pluspack for Shogun Method For Married Men. Buy it via the exclusive link inside the download area for Shogun Method For Married Men.
- The Invulnerability Principle. This program will show you how to inject a dose of INVULNERABILITY into your game. Be the only man that your woman will ever want in her life: Strong, Masculine and Invulnerable. Available for free with Shogun Method Black Book Volume Four.
- SM³: The Forbidden Chapter. SM³’s Married Plating Theory (MPT) shows you how you can make your wife love you more BECAUSE you have the option to date other women if she doesn’t. Available free as part of the Shogun Method For Married Men package.
- Shogun Method: Marriage Troubleshooter. Learn how to deal with eight archetypes of problem wives. This Cheat Sheet will stabilize your marriage immediately while you chart your long-term strategy with SM³. Available free as part of the Shogun Method For Married Men package.
- Shogun Method: WCCA Cycle. If you’re a married man, then know this: you are at a much greater risk of getting cheated on than you think. The Shogun Method: WCCA Cycle program shows you what to do to protect yourself, and more importantly, protect your marriage and family from breaking apart. Available free as part of the Shogun Method For Married Men package.
Shogun Method
- Shogun Method Antibiotic Nuke. If you’re not seeing the results that you want with Shogun Method, chances are that you’re doing one or more of these five mistakes. The Antibiotic Nuke will show you what these mistakes are, and how to nuke them so that you get the results you want from Shogun Method. Available for free with Shogun Method Black Book Volume Four.
- The Science Behind Shogun Method. This report presents to you the scientific proof behind Shogun Method – and how it’s backed by years of theoretical and empirical research in the science of human psychology, advanced persuasion and social exchange theory. Available free as part of Shogun Method.
- The MKDELTA Manuscript. This is the original master document containing the Dragonhead’s Shadow (a deep persuasion technique), the original set of Implanted Commands and Subliminal State Access. Available free as part of Shogun Method.
- Derek Rake Insider’s Lab. All our newest techniques originating from our research unit. Click here for direct access.
- Rake Rules. Obey these five Rake Rules and make her surrender to your authority immediately. Available free as part of Shogun Method.
- Daily Shogun Immersion Program. Get one key insight from the Shogun Method knowledge base emailed to you every morning for the next 100 days. This program is part of your Shogun Method package. To enroll, click here.
- Your #1 Obstacle To Mastery Over Women. Discover the ONLY obstacle (“W-ism”) which is blocking you from a happy, long-lasting relationship with your woman. Available free as part of the Barnum Manuscript package.
- 11 Mistakes That Newbies Make With Shogun Method. Available free in return for feedback on the Shogun Method program.
- 5.TXT – Five Texting Sequences. Combining the best combination of Online Dating Playbook techniques and Shogun Sequences, you can copy-and-paste these five texting routines, text them over to your woman and escalate her up the IRAE Model quickly. Available free as a bonus program inside the Online Dating Playbook 2.0 package.
- The Numb3rs Game. This is a never-before-available Shogun Sequence based on the Conscious Overload technique – which you can use to overload a woman’s cognitive space so that you can access her subconscious quickly and easily. Designed to be delivered over text. Available free as a bonus program inside the Online Dating Playbook 2.0 package.
- Boundary Violation Principle. FACT: Women love men who cross the line. Strangely enough, many females find themselves attracted to taboo behavior even when social norms dictate that they should instead feel disgusted. This book will show you how to exploit this weird female psychological weakness to your advantage. Available now free as part of Dark Rapport.
- Red Flags. With Shogun Method, you’ll get almost any woman you want. Imagine finally having the power to be choose who gets to be with you. Why waste it on the unworthy, the mediocre, or the crazy? Arm yourself with this checklist of 27 Red Flags–so you can pre-qualify any woman before using Shogun Method on her. Available free as part of Shogun Method.
- Convo Seeds. Never again run out of things to talk about! With Convo Seeds, you’ll be seeding conversations with topic triggers–and make them open up to you the way they never do with others. Learn how to boost your Shogun-style storytelling abilities with the Convo Seed plateau structure. Available for free with Texting On Steroids 2.0.
Shogun Sequences
- Shogun Sequences Bonus Pack. Contains five Shogun Sequences – “Misdirection”, “Inoculation”, “Open Loop”. “Reverse Friend Zone” and “Three Connectors”. Available as part of the Mobile Pluspack for Shogun Method Black Book Volume Four. Buy it via the exclusive link inside the download area for Shogun Method Black Book Volume Four.
- Notes From The Field (Volume One). This report contains guidance on how to deploy Shogun Sequences inside Shogun Sequences Handbook Volume One effective for best results.
- Notes From The Field (Volume Two). This report contains guidance on how to deploy Shogun Sequences inside Shogun Sequences Handbook Volume Two effective for best results.
- Lavender Rose. Designed for lightning speed rapport building, this Shogun Sequence gets a woman to Fractionate between pleasure (“rose petals”) and pain (“thorns”) in less than three minutes. Available as a bonus to the Dark Rapport program.
- Subconscious Link. Use this rapport-boosting Shogun Sequence to appeal to a woman’s affinity for the esoteric and imply a special spiritual connection between you and her. Available as a bonus to the Dark Rapport program.
- Synchronicity: 11.11. Possibly the fastest way to escalate a woman from Rapport to Attract. Crafted by the team based on Carl Jung’s classic 1960 work, Synchronicity. Available as an exclusive bonus to the Shogun Sequences Handbook Volume Two program.
- Three Souls. Crafted to overcome a woman’s sexual inhibitions, this Shogun Sequence will give you the ability to blast through a woman’s final resistance to you as you escalate from Rapport to Attract stage and beyond. Available as a bonus to the Dark Rapport program.
- HypnoVoice. HypnoVoice is Shogun Method’s proprietary technique on using your voice tonality to put a woman under mild hypnosis. It’s the advanced version of the standard Shogun Method Blotching technique which Shoguns use to deliver Shogun Sequences directly into a woman’s subconscious mind. Available as a bonus to the Shogun Sequences Handbook Volume One program.
- Jewel Code Sequence. For many women – especially those who are not easily hypnotized – storytelling is a more compelling method of persuasion. The Jewel Coding Sequence will show you how to work on a woman emotionally through stories. Available as an exclusive bonus to the Shogun Sequences Handbook Volume Two program.
- Thought Implanter Sequence. The Thought Implanter Sequence makes a woman leave her boyfriend for you by planting the thought inside her subconscious mind. It’s remarkably simple, too – all you need to do is to ask these five Leading Questions… and you’re done. Available free as part of Shogun Method.
- Shogun Method Concise Guide To Flirting. Learn the 3-Step Flirting Formula (P-E-FT) which you can use for great results every single time you talk to a woman. Available as part of the Mobile Pluspack for Dark Rapport. Buy it via the exclusive link inside the download area for Dark Rapport.
- Gaming Celebrities. A small number of Derek’s private clients has been using these turbocharged Shogun Method tactics on celebrities or women with high social status. Now, the same techniques are available to you. Available as part of the Mobile Pluspack for Shogun Method Black Book Volume Three. Buy it via the exclusive link inside the download area for Shogun Method Black Book Volume Three.
- Thought Leaking. Get her to play this (seemingly!) harmless game and her thoughts will become transparent to you. All you need is to follow these four steps and you’ll know what lurks inside her mind. What does she really think of you? Is she ready for you to escalate? Is she hiding anything from you? Get all these questions answered… and more. Available free as part of Shogun Method.
- Asshole Game. Women are intrigued by assholes – but only the right kinds. This program will show you how to tweak your Asshole Levels to work in your relationship without turning you into an outright jerk. Available for free with the Intrigue Black Book.
- Sexual Tension 101. When a man keeps getting rejected (or Friend-Zoned), it’s due to one reason: the lack of Sexual Tension. Overcome this sticking point with this premium Shogun Method program on how to generate Sexual Tension with any woman you meet. Get this program free with Shogun Sequences Over Text Volume 2.
- Shogun Cues: Body Language Decoder. Discover a simple way to read a woman’s mind even if she doesn’t say a thing to you. Learn to identify these seven Shogun Cues in her body language and know exactly what she is thinking about you. Get this program free as part of the Mobile Pluspack for the Intrigue Black Book. Buy the Mobile Pluspack through the exclusive link inside the download area for the Intrigue Black Book program.
- Shogun Tinder Strategy. Using Tinder to meet women? Learn how to get a woman through the first two stages of the IRAE Model (Intrigue and Attract) purely on Tinder, and score a date immediately! Get this program free as part of the Mobile Pluspack for the Online Dating Playbook 2.0 package. Buy the Mobile Pluspack through the exclusive link inside the download area for the Online Dating Playbook 2.0 program.
- Seven Hot Questions. Want to build lightning quick rapport with any woman? Use these conversational hacks and ask her these seven questions. Get this program free as part of Shogun Method Black Book Volume 3.
- S.A.S: Shogun Approach Strategy. The S.A.S is the only specialized Shogun Method program on meeting and approaching women. This is a rare product as it’s different from Shogun Method’s philosophy of longer term relationships. Similar to the IRAE Model, the eight-step Shogun Approach Strategy is an effective roadmap to successful approaches, setting the woman up for lasting attraction beyond the approach stage. Available for free with the Intrigue Black Book.
- Humor Attraction Playbook. Laughter is an easy shortcut to have women like you instantly. The Humor Attraction Playbook shows the Shogun’s way on exploiting humor as a Mind Control attraction device. Available for free with the Intrigue Black Book.
- Tactical Texting. This program digs deep into the nitty details of text game–what to text, what not to text, when to text, how to end a text. Contains the Seven Texting Commandments–essential knowledge for every Shogun. Available for free with Texting On Steroids 2.0.
- Date Optimizer. How to pack the essential Shogun Method techniques – Fractionation, Value Elicitation Sequence, Rollercoaster Storytelling and ENTICE/REPEL into a single date… and make her emotionally addicted to you right from the start. Available for free with the Intrigue Black Book.
- The Secret Language. Unlike men, women subcommunicate – they often say things which are completely the opposite of what they mean (it’s crazy, but true). Discover the Secret Language that underpins love and relationships. Available now free as part of Dark Rapport.
- Q.A.T: Quick Attraction Trigger. The Quick Attraction Trigger is the Shogun Roast, an intense version of (usually light-hearted) Intrigue Pings. With Shogun Roasts, you will challenge her, make her laugh and make her qualify herself to you. Think of the technique as a “combo attack” which intrigues her, builds rapport with her and makes her attracted in a single routine. Available free as part of Shogun Method.
Health & Nutrition
- Theodore Fairweather’s T-Factor. Discover the lifestyle change hacks that you can use to increase your Testosterone levels safely and naturally. Available as a bonus to the ReSeduction 2.0 program.
Persuasion & Influence
- Social Shogun Guidebook. A precursor to Beyond Enslavement, the Social Shogun Guidebook adapts a handful of core Shogun Method principles to be used to gain power in everyday situations. Recommended for Shoguns who want to be more persuasive in their daily dealings with people – co-workers, bosses, friends, family, strangers on the street, your enemies or rivals, anyone. Get this program free as part of Shogun Method Black Book Volume 3.
- Hypnotic Storytelling 101: The Foundations. All stories are hypnotic devices. Learn storytelling well and you’ll have the superpower to persuade (and hypnotize!) anyone at will. Get this program free as part of Shogun Method X.
- Hypnotic Storytelling 102: S.E.X. Truth: women do NOT desire money, status and looks. What does a woman truly want? It’s S.E.X – Sublime Emotional Experiences. Find out how to give S.E.X. to a woman. Get this program free as part of Shogun Method X.
- Hypnotic Storytelling 103: The Wounded Warrior. Who is the most attractive man in the world? It’s the Wounded Warrior. Find out why… and how you can be the most attractive man–in her world.. Get this program free as part of Shogun Method X.